In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important for people to eat foods that are high in potassium. Potassium can help regulate blood pressure and control heart rate and rhythm. In this article, we listed the top 10 foods that provide you most potassium.
Potassium is an important nutrient to have for your body because it helps with digestion and nervous system function, as well as muscle control and bone strength.
The average person needs 4,700mg of potassium per day to maintain a healthy diet.
If any imbalance happens this leads to stiffening and narrowing of your blood vessels, which restricted blood flow and can lead to high blood pressure.
Like every nutrient, Potassium is also important for your health. It maintains blood pressure and reduces the risk of clogged arteries. That lowers the risk of stroke, kidney disease, and heart failure.
Potassium helps to relax your blood vessels and even without it, excess sodium in the body cannot be flushed out.
Potassium-rich foods are a great way to get in more of this nutrient without taking supplements.
Here are 10 foods that are high in potassium!
Foods That High In Potassium
Let’s check out foods that are high in potassium which will help a lot to maintain it.
1. Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are packed with potassium, magnesium, and arginine. All of these nutrients help to regulate blood pressure.
A 100 grams of unsalted pumpkin seeds offers 919 milligrams of potassium. As pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium content which lowers blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy.
While arginine helps in the production of nitric oxide, which helps relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
2. Tomatoes.
Tomato and tomato sauce are also contained a good amount of potassium. One cup of tomato is approximately 245 grams, which provides 728 milligrams of potassium.
Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and lycopene, which is a beneficial plant compound for reducing high blood pressure and reducing prostate cancer risk.
Further, it also offers a good amount of Magnesium, Vitamin A, Fiber, Iron, and Vitamin B6.
3. Beetroot.
Beetroot is popular among health-conscious people. One cup of cooked beets (170 grams) can provide 518 mg of potassium.
Beets are rich in nitrates, which help to convert into nitric oxide. That supports blood vessel function and overall heart health.
Further, this root vegetable also provides fiber, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C. All of this helps in improving blood pressure and reducing inflammation.
4. Celery.
Celery is one of the nutrient-dense and low-calorie vegetables. It contains a special compound called phthalides, which help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure levels.
100 grams of cooked celery provides around 284 milligrams of potassium.
5. Spinach.

Spinach is popular for its nutrients, it’s rich in Potassium, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, and magnesium. A 100 grams of raw spinach offers 558 milligrams of potassium.
Apart from that same amount of spinach also offers 79 milligrams of magnesium, 194 micrograms of folate, and 483 micrograms of vitamin K1. It helps to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
6. Potatoes.
People like to eat this starchy root vegetable around the world. It’s a staple food in several countries. A 100 gram of cooked potatoes offers approximately 420 milligrams of potassium.
It also offers other vitamins and minerals. Due to its wide uses, it’s a key contributor to potassium intake in people’s diets.
7. Banana.
It’s the most consumable fruit around the world. Many people like to eat bananas every day due to their health benefits. It is one of the recommended fruits to lower blood pressure.
Banana contains nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, magnesium, and manganese.
100 grams of bananas offers about 360 milligrams of potassium.
8. Sweet Potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are often used as an alternative to potatoes. And it’s popular due to its health benefits. It’s a good source of magnesium and potassium, which help keep your blood pressure in control.
A 100 gram of sweet potatoes provides around 340 milligrams of potassium. one medium-sized sweet potato can fill up to 12% of your potassium requirement.
9. Avocados.
Avocados have become extremely popular due to their health benefits. It contains monounsaturated fats, as well as rich in vitamin k, and folate.
100 grams of Avocados provide approximately 485 milligrams of potassium.
Further, avocados may help people with high blood pressure. It’s beneficial for those who are often told to increase their potassium and reduce their salt intake.
Also Read: Benefits of eating Avocado Mixed With Banana
10. Pomegranate.
This is one of the most heart-healthy foods that you can drink as a juice. Pomegranate juice lowers cardiovascular risk and also enhances innate immunity.
They are packed with potassium, vitamins C, folate, protein, and vitamin K. one fruit of Pomegranate can offer about 666 mg of potassium. Its significantly reduced systolic blood pressure.
Tip to Maintain Potassium Level
Apart from adding potassium-rich foods to the diet, a few lifestyle changes can further help to manage your blood pressure.
- Reduce salt intake
- Do enough physical exercise
- Manage your stress levels
- Drink enough water.
- Add potassium-rich food to your diet
Please note that If your kidneys are not healthy and have kidney disease signs, then you will need to avoid foods that increase potassium in your blood. Because your kidneys are unable to remove extra potassium, that leads to further health complications.
When you’re trying to get your daily potassium intake, it’s important to choose the right food. Potassium is beneficial for many things like improving heart health and controlling blood pressure levels in addition to helping with muscle cramps and headaches. Read on for more information about how much potassium you need per day as well as some of the best foods that can provide this nutrient!
If you are looking for a way to improve your overall wellness without having to take any medications or supplements, one simple step may be increasing your daily potassium intake. There are many benefits associated with getting enough of this essential mineral including improved heart health, lower blood pressure levels, relief from muscle cramps and headaches–just name it
Now let me know, which foods you like to eat to manage your blood pressure?
Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!
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