10 Signs of Poor Blood Circulation Show That You Have

These signs show that You Have poor blood circulation in your body. If your feet and hands always going numb or having Muscle Cramps, these could be signs of poor blood circulation.

Unfortunately, poor circulation often remains undetected for many years until symptoms occur, usually at the late stages of the disease. And that can cause many other health problems for you.

Here  I’ll share the top 10 signs that indicate your blood circulation is not as good as it should be, which help you to diagnose this condition at an early stage.

The circulatory system of the body is working 24 x 7 and delivers vital oxygen and nutrients to all of our muscles and organs. Any problem with the circulatory system cause reduced blood supply, oxygen, and nutrients.

Having healthy blood circulation is important for a person’s health. It is not something that you should take lightly. To avoid further health issues, you need to maintain healthy blood flow throughout the system.

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Signs of poor blood circulation

For your reference, here are some early warning signs that show you have poor blood circulation.

1. Headaches & migraines:

If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, then there’s a possible chance, it may be linked to your blood circulation. When you have poor circulation, it can cause reduced oxygen delivery to your brain, which can lead to migraines or even chronic headaches.

2. Muscle cramps at night:

One of the early signs of poor blood circulation is, often muscle cramps, especially at night after a long day.  This is happening due to poor blood circulation in the leg. Whether it’s your calves, feet, or any other muscles in the leg. If you’ve been struggling with chronic nighttime cramping, then there’s a good chance you have a problem with your circulation.

3. Numbness, or tingling in hands and feet:

Tingling in your hands and feet can be an early sign of poor circulation in your hand. It’s often the first sign that shows our body, isn’t getting adequate amounts of oxygen or nutrients. If you’re experiencing any numbness or tingling sensations anywhere in the hands, feet, arms, or legs,  then there’s a good chance that you have a circulation problem.

4. Cold hands, and feet:

poor blood circulation signs

Many people struggle with having chronically cold hands, or feet. This can be a sign that you’re not getting enough blood flow to these areas of the body. It could also be caused by things like Raynaud’s phenomenon, where your arteries narrow in response to the cold,  which in turn restricts blood flow. Some medications, such as antidepressants, can also cause poor circulation.

5. Dry skin and lips:

Many people take extra care to moisturize their bodies, especially during the winter months, when it’s cold and dry outside. But did you know that being dehydrated can also cause your skin to get dry? The lack of water in the body leads to poor blood flow, and can also cause skin and lips to be dry and cracked.

6. Heart palpitations:

If you’ve been experiencing irregular heartbeats or heart palpitations, then this may be a sign of poor circulation. A lack of blood flow through the major arteries in the body can sometimes lead to an irregular heartbeat. Since our hearts need to work harder to get the blood flowing through the body.

7. Digestive problems:

If you have a problem with your digestion, even after eating healthy food, then your poor blood circulation could be behind this. Just like other organs in your body, your digestive systems require a proper blood supply to function at its best. When this doesn’t happen, you may face digestive issues.

8. Chest pain or discomfort:

One of the most common symptoms of poor blood flow is chest pain. If you’re noticing any chest pain lately, especially if it’s unexplained and persistent,   then it may be a sign that your blood flow to this area isn’t adequate. A lack of oxygen in the heart muscles can cause pain.

So if you find that your chest pains coincide with other symptoms listed here, then there’s a good chance it’s related to poor blood flow, and not a heart attack

9. Memory loss, or difficulty in concentrating:

This one might surprise you. If you’re struggling with memory loss or trouble concentrating lately, then there’s a chance it could be caused by low oxygen levels in the brain.  When our brains don’t receive enough oxygen and nutrients for proper functioning, it can cause all kinds of problems like these. If this is something you’ve noticed recently, make sure to monitor it closely.

10. Having High blood pressure:

High blood pressure or hypertension is a major issue, that affects many people. And it’s usually due to a variety of reasons such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and many other reasons but one of those could be poor blood flow.

When you have elevated blood pressure, your heart has to work a lot harder to pump blood around your body, and if you have an underlying issue with circulation, it could be one of the reasons you experience high blood pressure.

These are some possible signs that show you have poor blood circulation,  and you need to take care of these symptoms.

Also Read: What Are Foods That Increase Blood Flow?

Tips to Improve blood circulation

If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, then follow these steps to improve your circulation.

  • First, go for regular walks which improve your overall fitness.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods, and take more breaks during work, especially when you have a desk job.
  • Reducing intake of saturated fats.
  • Eat more fruits and veggies, which contain essential nutrients for improving blood flow.
  • Drinking tea regularly can promote cardiovascular health and may improve circulation.
  • Eating foods rich in iron, such as red meat, or spinach.
  • Stopping smoking tobacco products.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to consult with a medical professional.

However, there are ways that you can check on your own by looking at the following list of 10 common signs and symptoms of poor blood flow below. Do you have any? Is this something worth investigating?

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