13 Foods That Prevent Blood Clots | Blood Thinning Foods

In this article, you will learn how to prevent the risk of blood clots naturally? Here I’ll share the top 13 foods that prevent blood clots. All these foods are naturally reduces the possibility of blood clots and lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Be sure to read until the end because there may be a few foods you’ve probably never known of before. Along with that, I’ll also share – what is blood clotting and how it affects our body?

So if you’re ready, let’s get started

Did you know that blood clots and hemorrhages can negatively affect your blood circulation? These can cause problems for your heart, brain, intestines, eyes, limbs, and other organs.

To avoid all these health complications proper blood circulation is most important. And thinner blood may improve your overall circulation.

What is blood clotting and how does it affect our body?  

A blood clot is a clump of blood that has been turned into a jelly-like substance. They are formed when the proteins in the plasma thicken and then stick to each other or to foreign objects such as catheters or heart valves.  When the body forms blood clots, it tries to stop either external or internal bleeding by shutting off the flow of blood to the area that is bleeding.

Every year, more than 100 million Americans suffer some form of blood clotting. Each year, an estimated 2 million people in the United States are hospitalized for nonfatal blood clots, and about 60,000 dies as a result of either deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism.

The body can form blood clots in different parts of the body, most often in veins and arteries.  The deep veins inside the body (e.g., those located in your leg and arm) are one of the main targets for blood clots to form.

The deep veins also are the first to receive blood from the body and the last to drain it back.

Accidentally, when there is an injury or a cut in your body, blood clotting is a way of protecting you from bleeding.

But sometimes the blood can clot too much, which leads to complications that can be potentially dangerous. It can cause poor blood circulation which affects some critical parts of our body like the heart, lungs, and brain.

Fortunately, some foods and other ingredients found in nature may act as natural blood thinners. That helps to reduce the risk of clots and improve your health.

For your reference, here are some Foods That Help Prevent Blood Clots.

13 Best Foods that prevent blood Clots

1. Olive Oil.

It is one of the most common ingredients used in Italian cooking. Olive oil provides a great source of monounsaturated fats which help prevent blood clots. It’s even been found to boost your HDL (the good kind of cholesterol) and lower triglycerides and blood fat.

2. Garlic.

Another common ingredient widely used ingredients in cooking all around the world. Garlic helps reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are both associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

But what many people don’t know, garlic has natural anti-coagulant properties. It contains allicin and ajoene, substances that block the aggregation of blood platelets and avoid clots.

3. Turmeric

Foods that prevent blood Clots

A very common spice that’s been used for thousands of years.

In the past, it was even more popular than black pepper and ginger in many parts of the world.

The curcumin in turmeric has been proven to prevent blood clots from forming by making your platelets less sticky and preventing them from clotting up when they shouldn’t.

Including turmeric in your diet may help reduce the risk of having a stroke or heart attack by up to 30%.

4. Onions to prevent blood Clots.

A very common vegetable that’s found in many recipes around the world.

The chromium and quercetin naturally found in onions have been shown to reduce blood pressure by helping our body get rid of excess water and sodium buildups.

It also helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which reduces its risks of causing heart diseases and blood clots.

5. Ginger.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. Some scientific studies found that it helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels just like garlic does.

What makes ginger especially stand out is its ability to enhance our platelet function, which naturally thins up the blood.

Also Read: 10 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Raw Ginger

6. Pomegranate Juice.

Another common fruit juice is used in many recipes around the world.
Pomegranate juice has been found to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, reduce oxidative stress, and have cardioprotective effects.

It also helps thin up your blood by stimulating the production of nitric oxide in our body which is great for improving circulation throughout all parts of our body.

7. Blueberry Juice.

A very common fruit juice that is known for its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Blueberries can also help reduce your risk of stroke by preventing blood clots from forming in your arteries, which increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

8. Coconut Oil.

You have probably heard about the benefits of consuming coconut oil.
Including its ability to improve your immune system, boost metabolism, and increase endurance.

But did you know that it also has a natural antiplatelet activity that helps thin up blood as well?

As a result, coconut oil can help reduce your risk of having a stroke or cardiovascular problems by preventing blood clots from forming.

9. Cayenne Pepper.

Another common ingredient in many dishes. Cayenne pepper has been used for hundreds of years to treat a variety of health conditions including colds and gastrointestinal problems.

What makes it stand out is its ability to work as a natural blood thinner by preventing the aggregation of platelets.

Their small size allows them to travel freely within your bloodstream. It’s been found that some natural compounds in food can prevent those platelets from clumping together and forming blood clots.

Including cayenne pepper, which is why it might be a good idea for you to start using this ingredient more often.

10. Cinnamon.

As with cayenne pepper, studies have shown that the natural compounds in cinnamon known as polyphenols help prevent platelets from clumping together. In individuals who already have a risk of developing blood clots, consuming cinnamon can reduce their chances of having a stroke or heart attack.

If you want to add more cinnamon to your diet, you should start eating more Indian dishes. That’s because cinnamon is a major ingredient in most of their dishes, with some studies even finding that it helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics better than medication.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Drinking Cinnamon Milk before bed

11. Parsley.

Another herb commonly used in cooking around the world. Parsley offers many health benefits including protecting our heart, improving digestion, and reducing inflammation in our body.

Parsley has been shown to reduce the risk of blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation. It also helps increase fibrinolysis which prevents blood clots from forming in your vessels.

12. Watermelon.

Another common fruit that’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties and high water content.

Watermelon has been shown to reduce the risk of developing blood clots by almost 50%. As a result, it might be a good idea for you to start adding more watermelon to your diet.

13. Kiwi Fruit.

Another fruit is known for its high antioxidant content and blood clot-preventing properties. As a matter of fact, kiwi can reduce platelet aggregation by almost 50%.

Because of this, it may be a good idea for you to start adding more kiwis into your diet.

It’s best to eat at least three fresh kiwi fruits a week to experience its benefits.

These top 13 foods you can eat to prevent or reduce blood clots.

To get the most from these foods, monitor your intake of saturated and trans fats. Foods like meat and junk food do not allow the blood to flow freely.


  • make sure to do some form of physical exercise on a daily basis.
  • Manage your body weight
  • avoid smoking
  • long periods of immobility.

Final Thought

If you want to learn about the foods that can help prevent blood clots, read on. The list of 13 foods that prevent blood clots is a good start for anyone who wants to add more nutrients into their diet and avoid common health risks like heart attacks or strokes.

You may not be able to get all these on your plate every day but if you focus on one new food from this list each week, it will make a big difference in how healthy you feel overall. Which food would you like to try?

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